As childhood friends, Haruna Ippei and Takimoto Eiji have always been together. Yet in their 17th summer, their relationship starts to change... Eiji finally starts to face his own feelings towards Ippei and Ippei has to face the music after getting a girl pregnant.
Lizard's Tail (トカゲのしっぽ)
A pair of drop-outs, Katsuyuki and Atsuo meet each other at a cram school. In-between lessons and activities, the pair realizes their feelings for each other. After getting into their choice universities, Katsuyuki feels uneasy about his relationship with Atsuo and starts to re-evaluate his decision.
3-4. The Kind and Beautiful You (美しく、やさしい君。)
The promising new actor Masamichi had his dreams dashes after getting into a scuffle at a club. Suguru his brother-in-law nurses his spirit and his leg back to health. A casual conversation with his ex-troupe mate reveals something that might put Masamichi into a deeper despair than crippling his leg.