Sequel to the second Ar Tonelico PS2 game.
Having returned to Metafalss after winning the battle against the [Goddess], Croix and the others have begun preparing for [Metafalica], the Song Magic that will create a continent. The people’s expectations and anxiety, as well as fear of its failure weigh heavily on the Maidens Luca and Cloche.
There is a girl who harbors mixed feelings as she watches the people from the satellite Sol Marta, high in the skies of Metafalss. Her name is Infel. The first [Maiden of Mio] who despite perfecting the Song Magic [Metafalica], was unable to weave a continent.
The story of Infel and Nenesha from 400 years ago is at last told. What feelings did the two pairs of Maidens who devoted everything they had to the creation of the continent hold?!