Some time in the past, the gods of the four seasons, spring, summer, autumn, and winter, shared their powers with chosen humans. Those who manifested these powers were called the "Agents of the Four Seasons," and they became the avatars of the seasons themselves, in other words, living incarnations of the gods.
"Thy name is 'Autumn,' the one who comes after Summer."
It is the middle of spring, in the 21st year of the Reimei era. Shugatsuki Natsuko, the Agent of Autumn in Yamato, was enjoying the season with her guard dog Hanagiri, her maid Makazu Miyohi, and her personal assistant Shirahagi Konoyo. And then there was Natsuko's Guardian and first love, Azaami Ryuubi. Their harmonious days are suddenly disrupted due to a diplomatic incident.
The name of the country is "Hashikuni," it is a foreign land from across the sea, far from Yamato.
Conspiracies loom, as the demands from Hashikuni put the Agent of Autumn and her followers in an unprecedented predicament.......
(Source: Dengeki Bunko, translated)