In a world where humans and demi-humans life together and both populations are declining, humans deemed "supporters" assist various races once they reach an age of maturity. With matchmaking automated and pairings a mystery, a teacher is surprised when his match is not only an elf princess, but also his own student!
(Source: Fakku)
- Enjo Kouhai (援助交配); Comic Market 91
- Enjo Kouhai 2 (援助交配2); Comic1☆11
- Enjo Kouhai 3 (援助交配3); Comic Market 92
- Enjo Kouhai 4 (援助交配4); Comic Market 93
- Enjo Kouhai 5 (援助交配5); Comic1☆13
- Enjo Kouhai 6 (援助交配6); Comic Market 94
- Enjo Kouhai 7 (援助交配7); Comic Market 95
- Enjo Kouhai 8 (援助交配8); Comic Market 96
- Enjo Kouhai 9 (援助交配9); Comic Market 97
- Enjo Kouhai 10 (援助交配10); Comic Market 98
- Enjo Kouhai 11 (援助交配10); Sunshine Creation 2021 Summer
- Enjo Kouhai 12 (援助交配10); Comic Market 99
- Includes 7 extra chapters